What is Harmonic Life & Style?

You know that favorite dress or pair of jeans that makes you feel amazing, no matter when you wear it? How about the feeling you have when you are having a really great day and everything seems to flow? That’s a Harmonic Life & Style! Your spirit is in sync with your individual style, and you create positive visual energy. You exude a vibe that attracts abundance, and you live authentically!

Plus, you look and feel good! Not just a “quick look in the mirror and I’m suitable to leave the house because I’m running late” good, but an “I look dynamite and will turn heads while my day goes exactly as I imagined” good…no, make that GREAT!

How does Harmonic Style happen?

When your personal energy is in harmony with your style, you create music! That’s right, I said MUSIC. You’re the conductor, orchestrating a harmonic style that is rooted in your emotions. Your feelings carry an energetic vibration and when they’re aligned with the vibration of your clothing, you just feel in the flow. You live life to its fullest! Your essence is clear. You’ve composed visual harmony!

What does your music sound and look like?
What is your vibe?

Coaching with Harmonic Life & Style

Let’s face it, life can get so busy that we forget to live in the present and savor the moment. Harmonic Life & Style is a holistic coaching approach to creating life synergy, discovering your authenticity and achieving personal fulfillment…and doing it all with great style!

Most people don’t know how to find their individual style or they are not even aware of their personal energies. I’ll help you harmonize your clothes with your soul so you can live the full life you deserve and accomplish more than you ever dreamed possible! We’ll uncover your unique sense of style and explore what’s hindering you from expressing it so you can be the designer of your own life, rather than simply living a life influenced by fashion trends. Getting dressed will become a fun and empowering ritual

Knowing this, what are you going to wear today?

The way to change your life is to start from the inside.

I’m passionate about authentic style! I believe your outer style should reflect your inner persona - your soul. By combining life coaching and my stylist expertise with the philosophies of fashion Feng Shui, we’ll partner to:

  • change the way you look at things so a fresh perspective becomes clear.
  • hone in on what is truly important so you know your focus.
  • manifest happiness, fulfillment and purpose so that you live the life you want.
  • discover your essence so that your authentic self emerge.
  • design a wardrobe that will represent your intentions so that what ever your mood, you will always look authentic.
  • play with your personal energies (image) in order to create your visual energy.
  • leverage your individual strengths and gifts so you live confidently.
  • create more abundance and happiness that you ever dreamed possible

By starting your journey from the inside, you’ll gain an awareness of how to live and dress with intention. Ultimately, you’ll live harmoniously through mind, spirit and style. What could be better than that?

Invest in yourself.

Real change occurs from the inside out. By investing in coaching, you commit precious time and resources to focus on YOU! The conscious decision to invest in yourself is the first step down the path of living authentically. As we peel back the layers and unveil the true you during our coaching sessions, all facets of your life will mesh, and your individual style will emerge. I can’t wait to take this journey with you!

Click here to find out how we can work together to enhance your life.


“I can help you uncover your essence and start living the life you’ve always dreamed of. Learn to love and embrace the unique beauty that lies with you and show your true self to the world. I’ll create awareness to your personal energies and guide you to live and dress with intention so that you begin attracting all you desire for life. Live harmoniously, mind ~ spirit ~ style.”